In our many email conversations, Sarah described herself and Dan as playful, kids-at-heart kind of people. So it didn’t really surprise me that they chose a venue with a random Velociraptor and brought along their very own light sabers. Azuridge is every photographer’s dream. I swear when I booked their wedding I squealed a little bit: just a little because I was all by myself. Everywhere you look, both inside and out, is an incredible shot just waiting to be taken. The day started out beautifully with perfect weather and we got the outdoor ceremony we were desperate for. I loved the long walk that Sarah took with her dad, and the way he grabbed her hand to comfort her as she was overcome with happy emotion. Tons of hand squeezing and kleenex grabbing. Oh, I was a happy camper, er, photographer. Halfway through creatives, right beside the Raptor actually, we were treated to the most ominous sounding horn (cue Jurassic park theme song) which I quickly learned meant an impending electrical storm. Thankfully, Azuridge also comes with overhangs and beautiful spots to hide from the rain, and I was lucky enough to have my wonderful Blair holding an umbrella over my head. I did a lot of praying to the weather gods asking to avoid being struck by lightening. The great thing about a torrential downpour is that it’s usually fast moving and it ended perfectly just as we went out for a sunset session. I adored being able to steal Sarah and Dan for a few minutes again when it was dark to create some epic shots with the lightsabers. I have to say, OCF (off camera flash) is not part of my usual repertoire but it harkens back to my days attending The Alberta College of Art and Design, majoring in Photography. I loved that it made my head hurt a bit getting the settings right. I loved that it challenged me and I love the results. I hope you enjoy this day in pictures as much as I did.