Even though I’m from Calgary and we’re almost indoctrinated into the whole rivalry between Edmonton and Calgary, I really have a soft spot for Edmonton. I feel like the people that have a hate-on for the city just haven’t spent time there, and certainly don’t have an appreciation for the arts. Edmonton is numero uno when it comes to the Arts in this province. Plus, heading up north means I get to see my long time friend and AMAZING artist Laura O’connor, who is another ACAD classmate and someone I absolutely adore. Ah, but I digress… Back to Edmonton, but really Devon, which is a small town outside of Edmonton and was the location for Daena and Nathan’s big day. Aside from it being pretty brutally hot and the elusive search for a wooden staircase *wink!*, the whole day flowed beautifully. This was my first wedding with my new prime (LOVE) 135mm so I was pretty stoked to try it out on this incredible hot couple and their bridal party. We spent all our time in a beautiful park that reminded me of a story book. And certainly with Daena’s classic beauty and her frothy, stunning dress, she is definitely like something out of a fairytale, complete with her handsome prince. Enjoy!