I don’t forget any of the weddings and couples that I have photographed but I think Megan and Ryan’s wedding will always be pretty significant. Not only was it a beautiful day, it was a beautiful day for me being 8 months pregnant. When Megan wrote to tell me she was expecting, I instantly went back to that day and remembered, or tried to remember, that little guy in my own tummy. My son Logan is now a rambunctious, loud, happy-go-lucky 20 month old and those days of kick counts and sore feet are (almost) forgotten. It was so great to spend a spectacular evening with Megan and Ryan again and I appreciated again, how much I loved Ryan’s dry sarcasm. He couldn’t resist teasing me about asking Megan to look up; yes, sure Ryan. There are birds in the sky, look up at the birds- He’s aware of my tricks for sure. I am so excited for them to embark on their own crazy adventure. It is the absolute best adventure ever.