Caley and John’s engagement story captured me right away. Caley’s eyes sparkled and John just beamed as the two of them sat and regaled me with the entire event. On a snowy and cold winter morning, John woke up and announced they were going skating. So they packed up their brand new skates (never been worn!) and John started driving. He never mentioned where they would be skating, he just drove. As they left the city, Caley did ask where they were going and John mumbled something about the mountain lakes etc. As the mountains grew closer, John turned off the highway and finally stopped outside a building that had a helicopter parked outside. At this point, Cayley recalls, she still believed they were going skating. Even as they were strapped into the belts, a small part of her still believed they were going skating…. And when they landed on a very remote glacier, complete with chairs and champagne, and John on bended knee, Caley still wondered whether they would be going skating at some point. (not really, but it does make for a good story, right!)
Fast forward one year and this amazingly wonderful couple has a beautiful son and a winter wedding (actually in 2 days!). As soon as I heard their story, I knew that their session should involve skating since they never actually made it. The fall in Calgary has been so mild however that we were lucky to have ice at all! The session was filled with lots of laughter and some pretty cool moments, especially to do with FINALLY skating and even better than that, finally finding the lookout to the Banff Springs Hotel. Caley and John were determined, after 3 failed attempts previously, to get their picture taken there… The only problem was that the tree of us had no idea where that lookout was. We found it out of pure determination and it certainly made for some great pictures considering we were all really, REALLY excited and triumphant at the finding. I can’t wait to share their wedding story with you in the next week or so! Enjoy!