The Blog
Erin & Ryan -Married! {Sunshine Coast wedding photographer + Rockwater Resort}
I'm back on the Sunshine Coast and I have fallen in love with it. My brother was married down the road at Painted Boat Resort just last weekend! Erin and Ryan came to find Rockwater Resort after considering Secret Cove in Hawaii, but thenĀ deciding they needed to be...
Katrina & Drew -Married! {Canmore wedding photographer + Silvertip wedding}
Silvertip is a truly stunning wedding venue and one that I never tire of shooting at, in fact I always find something new every time I'm there. Katrina and Drew wanted the intimacy of the fireplace in the grand ballroom and I think it was incredibly fitting for their...
Daena & Nathan -Engaged! {Calgary wedding photographer}
Wowee! what a windy day! I didn't realize how windy Calgary is on a regular basis until a friend from the Okanagan moved here and it's her biggest qualm. We didn't let a little wind (uh, A LOT of wind actually) stop us though, and we just worked with it. Daena and...
Lauren & Joe -Married! {Calgary wedding photographer + Endeavor Arts}
Lauren and Joe areĀ one of those hip, cool couples full of life and laughter. From the moment I met this sparkly eyed duo, I knew we just clicked. In fact, in our initial meeting, Lauren said that she is a quick decision maker, she either loves something or she...
Cotton Anniversary: Year TWO! {Calgary wedding photographer}
It definitely doesn't seem like it but two years ago this very day, I married the most wonderful man I have ever known. Two years ago, we brought our two families together, Canadian and Scottish, and danced the night away. We were married in the late afternoon on the...
Baby Boooooom! {Calgary maternity photography}
Maybe it's just my age, but Calgary is certainly coming up babies! In the words of a very good friend "Pregnancy is the ultimate human experience" and I really can't agree more. There is a BABY in there, you are growing a little human being! ha. My excitement has...
Precious Little Ones {Calgary Family Photographer}
My oh my, where is time going? School's out for the summer (cue the song being stuck in my head and maybe yours!) and I suddenly have a little more time to do some more blogging! I am looking forward to the break from teaching (as an artist in residence teaching...
Mandi & Ryan -Engaged! {Calgary & Nakiska engagement photography}
I'll never forget meeting Mandi. She was a referral from one of my 2011 couples and she was so exuberant and excited that I couldn't help but feel the same way. When I saw her gigantic wedding binder, I knew we were going to get along just great! (My own wedding...
Ed & Sarah -Married! Second shooting for Jenifer Sander Photography {Canmore Wedding photography}
I met Jenifer only a few months ago through a facebook forum. She had posted an image of a bride in an orchard that was really lovely- and then she mentioned she was packing up her life in the okanagan and moving to Calgary! As part of my 2012 year, it was my goal to...
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