Oh I always talk about the weather don’t I? It’s difficult not to considering how lucky we were to have a not-so-freezing day in February. But how about I start by saying that Kristina and Dan, despite being taller than a refrigerator (ha!), were absolute gorgeousness and a delight to spend the day with. It is incredibly inspiring to photograph such a happy and fun-loving bunch. Thank you for braving the (weather) and being such good sports. Onto the aforementioned gorgeousness!

first glance. I love. The intimacy of the moment allows all of the emotion to flow and be captured purely and honestly on film.

rock-candy 🙂

Photographer: Sarah Murdoch www.modernphotography.ca

Dress: Jim Helm

Hair/makeup: Jackie Johnson http://www.makeupbyjackie.com

Flowers: Peaseblossoms www.peaseblossoms.com

Venue: Lynx Ridge Golf Course