So what happens when one of your very best friends gets pregnant only a year after you? Well, you spend the long months chatting about babies and planning an epic maternity shoot. How perfect of Katy to be pregnant at the exact right time of year for glowy golden pictures. It’s kind of like a gift to me really. Thanks Katy 🙂 Big thanks to Amborella Floral Studio for the gorgeous crown and bouquet and Trena Laine for her ever fabulous talent in the hair and makeup realm. It was one of those evenings that we chased the light. We worked with the grove of trees, did some other stuff and on our way back, we just had to do more. I can’t believe there isn’t much time left before I get to snuggle a brand new squishy babe. Katy and Brett have got this, that is for certain. The real question is does Farley know what he’s in for?