Okay, let’s be clear. The jumping high-five isn’t my typical engagement repertoire but for Sarah and Jordan it was a must. I actually like the beginning of a portrait session when there’s a bit of anxious chatter and normally something along the lines of “I don’t really like having my picture taken”. It’s almost a game for me now, something I strive to reverse in as short a time possible. I now know that everyone is a little nervous, no one really enjoys having a camera in their face, but that I can make it fun and as natural as possible. I love seeing the progression over a session and it makes me feel awesome knowing that I can lead people through a process. So back to the jumping high five shall we? In an engagement session, or any session for that matter, I want to capture true relationships and emotion. So I will often tell a couple to do something and then wait for a few moments just to see what they do. Sarah and Jordan were certainly no different, but what I especially loved was overhearing Sarah joking about whether they should jump and highfive. Oh yes. yes. You should definitely do that. I loved the comment and thought it would be fitting and fun for a cool couple like them. So no, no jumping high fives for just anyone, but if you want to and it fits, then you bet.
I love, love, love these pictures! My beautiful niece and her love! What beautiful photos of a beautiful couple! <3