Just as I sat down to write this post, the words to “it’s a small world” started swirling their annoying little verses around my head. Not a fun lyrical version, more like the disneyland ride.  Ok, I know, I know, now the song is probably trapped inside your head too. Let’s move on. The reason for this is that upon my arrival to photograph the “boys” getting ready, I realized I knew one of the um, “boys”, well girl. To my absolute delight, I had played college soccer with Kevin’s groomslady. It was culminated by an overly excessive hello as my brain tried to process if and how I knew her and once we figured it out, it was indeed a small small world. The Cochrane Ranche House is a favourite location of mine, not only for weddings but also for engagement and family sessions. It has everything, right in a 10 minute vicinity. I can’t say enough about how much I love shooting there and how much fun I had with Sharon, Kevin and their amazing bridal party. We decided to trek to the end of the park in some pretty hot weather and I have some serious kudos for everyone for being so upbeat and into it. I really liked our little journey. The Ranche House has done some renovations this season and they are very much a wonderful addition. I adore the ceremony space and the new seating. And of course the grand reception room is breathtaking. So SO much fun to shoot all the incredible details. I could tell that there were immeasurable hours spent putting it all together.