Chaos. Wonderful, beautiful, hilarious chaos. The type where your face hurts from smiling and you may or may not be concerned about peeing your pants. This all shall be the theme going forward for Rich and Brianne’s wedding day. I can’t really say enough about how this gorgeous couple and their family and friends delighted and amazed me and my fabulous second shooter Blair. Sometimes we would ask ourselves why? but it would quickly be followed with well, why not? Take for example, 14 people frolicking in a meadow (obviously taken with the breathtaking landscape) or a 10 person pyramid. The question is not why. The answer is always why not. The love is evident, clearly with Rich and Brianne but also with their party (and party they did); so strong in fact that it quite literally surmounts all.

Rich and Brianne wanted an intimate and cozy mingling atmosphere and nothing could be more perfect than renting out Murrietas in downtown Canmore. Set with meal stations and even an oyster bar, I could tell how much their guests enjoyed the freedom of movement and conversation. We really did have a blast and I have to say, we were a little sad to leave as we drove by and got a few waves from the balcony from our new friends. I am so happy to share this glorious day, the goosebumps prove it.